My Wondrous Cloud OdysseyMy Wondrous Cloud Odyssey follows the sometimes whimsical, sometimes arduous journey of a little girl who accidentally gets carried off by a cloud one day. Her initial curiosity about the wonders she witnesses eventually transforms into a quest to find her home again. In the end she discovers that her home is not a final destination, but rather a resting point along the ever-changing adventure that is life. The story incorporates layers of diverse symbolism that subtly hint at larger metaphysical themes of impermanence, spiritual struggle, and wonder.
The art is a hybrid mix of hand drawn, painted, and digitally created images that I collaged together using Adobe Photoshop. I have employed quirky, busy illustrations to add a sense of playfulness to the magic realism of the story. My son calls this "the beautiful book." Misha's artwork stands on its own, but with a collection of page after page of her illustrations, one can hardly deny oneself the pleasure. The story is full of diverse people, animals, and worlds, adding to the sometimes monotonous world of children's literature. The themes discussed are profound, interesting, and an excellent source for conversation between parent and child. Enjoy this book!
-T. Hanson |
CLICK HERE to read an article I wrote about the diversity gap in children's books.