The purpose of the Baha’i Faith is to promote the unity of humanity. Founded by Baha’u’llah in Iran in the mid 1800’s, Baha’is come from every ethnicity, nationality, tribe, racial group and social class on Earth, and the Baha’I Faith is the second most widespread religion in the world after Christianity. Here are a few teachings of the Baha’i Faith:
The Independent Investigation of Truth Every human being is endowed with the power of reason, and it is our duty to each investigate and discover truth for ourselves. |
Every Human is Born Noble
We aren’t born as sinners, or as inherently bad or evil. Every human is born with different capacities and the potential to develop positive attributes. |
The Oneness of Religion
All of the major religions come from the same one God, and religion is a continuous and progressive process. All of the major prophets, or Manifestations, of God have taught the same spiritual truths, but their social teachings differ based on the needs of the era in which they taught. |
Humanity is One
Humanity is one human family and the great need of our time is to promote the unity of the human race. |
The Eradication of All Prejudice
Because we know the reality of humanity’s oneness, all prejudices, whether of race, religion, politics, or nation, must be renounced. |
The Equality of Women and Men
Women and men are like the wings of one bird, and unless they both have equivalent strength, the bird cannot fly. |
The Elimination of Extremes of Wealth and Poverty:
In order for everyone to have the opportunity to develop their capacities to the fullest, we must create a balance where extreme wealth cannot coexist with crushing poverty. |
The Harmony Between Science and Religion:
Religion and science are two methods of investigation into reality. Science without religion leads to materialism, and religion without science leads to superstition. |